今天看到這首歌的歌詞 好喜歡好喜歡


There's a fine, fine line
between a lover and a friend 在情人和朋友之間 只有一線之隔
There's a fine, fine line
between reality and pretend 現實和假象之間 只有一線之隔
And you never know till you reach the top
If it was worth the uphill climb 在你到達頂端前 妳永遠不知道你所做的是否值得
There's a fine, fine line
Between love and a waste of time 愛情和虛度光陰 只有一線之隔

There's a fine, fine line
Between a fairytale and a lie 童話和謊言 只有一線之隔
And there's a fine, fine line
Between "you're wonderful" and "goodbye" 妳是個好人 跟 再見 只有一線之隔
I guess if someone doesn't love you back
It isn't such a crime 你愛的人不愛你 並不是一種罪過
But there's a fine, fine line
Between love and a waste of your time 但是在愛情跟虛度光陰 只有一線之隔

And I don't have the time
to waste on you anymore 我已經沒有更多得時間可以浪費在你身上
I don't think that you even know
what you're looking for 我不認為你知道你在追尋什麼
For my own sanity 我要讓我自己清醒
I've gotta close the door 我關上門
and walk away 永遠的離開

There's a fine, fine line
Between together and not 在廝守跟分離之間 只有一線之隔
And there's a fine, fine line
Between what you wanted and what you got 妳想要的跟你得到的 只有一線之隔
You gotta go after the things you want
While you're still in your prime 在你人生最精華的時候去追逐你想要的吧
There's a fine, fine line
Between love and a waste of time 愛與虛度光陰 只有一線之隔
    創作者 laselin 的頭像


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